Siberian Husky Temperament

 The Siberian Husky is a breed with a wonderful temperament. They must, their original use was in a harness, eight or more dogs together pulling a sled/sledge. Aggressiveness towards the 'musher' or the other dogs, could not and would not be tolerated.

The Siberian Husky has a gentle nature but is also active, alert and outgoing. They are good with children, but being a pack animal, new babies should be socialised with the dogs.
My three year old & six month old daughters and my dogs are the best of friends and I have never had a problem with them around the huskies. Even my 3 year old daughter's whacks (her version of patting), her pulling their hair and tails, have never seemed to phase them, the dogs simply get up and walk away, when they've had enough. It goes without saying, that young children should be supervised when around animals.
Note to parents with new born babies. Any change in attitude towards the dog can cause jealousy. This can be said of any breed of dog, cats and even some parrots, not only the Siberian Husky. If your dog is an inside dog and will be moved outside once the new baby comes.
Make sure you have moved the dog outside well before 'new baby' comes along so the dog does not associate the two events as being related, ie new baby = move outside.
Again, let me emphasize, that this applies to all breeds of dogs. So much pain and heartache can be avoided if you try to look at the situation from the dog's point of view.
They are part of the family and don't want to be left out.