Husky - Amazing Escape Artists

When not in an enclosed area, the Siberian should never be let off the lead. If you are the type of person who wants a dog to go running with, play frisbee with etc., this is fine as long as the area is properly fenced off, ie backyard, certain council parks are also fenced, but otherwise, forget it. This breed loves to run, and can certainly outrun any person and once off the lead, they're off!

 No amount of calling, whistling etc, will stop them if that's not what they want to do. This is an independent breed and they'll do something if its in their best interest, not just because you ask them to.
via Facebook / Husky

Now before I get any e-mails telling me how this or that Siberian Husky walks or runs perfectly well off the lead, I know that there are cases like this, however, this should not be taken for granted as being a characteristic of the breed and once you've acquired this beautiful creature  would you want to take the risk?! Just a note on fences. As I mentioned, the yard or park should be properly fenced off, what's PROPERLY?
Huskies have an ability to jump high fences from a standing position - an almost springbok like action. A three to four foot high fence is not going to keep them in. Further, the bottom of the fence should be fairly close to the ground. Siberian Huskies will see gaps as opportunities to dig under and get out. These dogs are amazing escape artists.
 My first husky used to dig herself out of the yard while I was at work, and knowing what time I got home, got herself back into the yard before I arrived, I was none the wiser - their minds are incredible. I was lucky a neighbour let me know what was going on and even luckier that nothing happened while she was out. Needless to say, the fences are now 'husky' proof.But... There are always exceptions....

via Facebook / Husky