Fluffy Dogs That Don't Shed : Hypoallergenic Dog Breeds

Here’s The problem: Allergies. When we think of allergies we tend to think first about dog hair, but that’s not the real culprit; dander is. Dander is dead skin that flakes off. If a dog sheds a lot, its hair can spread dander all over the place. Floating hairs or un-brushed animals will add a lot to the dander problem. Dander can cause asthma attacks, allergic reactions, nasal infections and lots of general discomfort.

What is the solution? Hypoallergenic dogs. While this isn’t actually a reality, there are breeds of dogs that have little to no dander. Those that are particularly sensitive might still be allergic to the breeds that we’ve chosen, but the good news is that they’ll alleviate all but the worst allergies. After we talk about breeds, we’ll also discuss best practices HERE that will help you limit and contain allergens.

What We Considered In Creating This List:
Exercise Requirements
Compatibility with Children
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Maltese Terriers are known for their gorgeous white silky coats, but you won't find them shedding on your furniture or clothes. These little dogs are sprightly, playful, and very loving.

Fun Fact: The Maltese Terrier is thought to be related to the Tibetan Terrier (above), but their exact origin is not known. They've been known as Roman Ladies' Dogs and were suspected to be used to catch rodents in ancient and medieval cities.


Shih Tzu dogs are both loyal and friendly, and they happen to be hypoallergenic, too. The Shih Tzu coat does not shed, with the hair only falling out when brushed or broken. 

Fun Fact: The name Shih Tzu comes from the word for lion dog in Chinese. This old dog breed was bred to resemble lions as depicted in ancient Oriental art.


Poodles, coming in three different sizes (Toy, Miniature, and Standard), are one of the most popular dogs in the world. These intelligent and responsive dogs are also considered hypoallergenic.

Fun Fact: Aside from not shedding very much, poodles are also known for being virtually odourless. No dog smell here!

The muscular Portuguese Water Dog is loyal and energetic. Their coat sheds very little and they are considered a hypoallergenic breed, but the Portuguese Water Dog still requires regular grooming.

Fun Fact: Portuguese Water Dogs are rare, but you might've heard of Bo, the First Dog. Bo was President Obama of the United States' gift to his daughters when he became inaugurated.


Affectionately nick-named the Westie, the West Highland White Terrier is a friendly, active little dog with a double-coat. Loyal to their owners, Westies are also hardy, make great watchdogs, and are hypoallergenic. Westies will shed some hair, but not much.

Fun Fact: The West Highland White Terrier was originally bred from the Cairn and Scottish Terriers to create a breed that would not be mistaken for a fox when hunting.


The Irish Water Spaniel breed has been around for centuries. A hunting and companion dog, the Irish Water Spaniel is friendly, active, and devoted to its owners. 

Fun Fact: The coat does need regularly grooming attention, but the breed is considered hypoallergenic as it sheds less dander than many other dogs.